We all have many occasions to celebrate, one being milestone birthdays. For some unknown reason people seem to choose this time for celebrating in a less than optimistic way. Seems like the ages followed by an "O" are always Oh No's! Oh No, your 3-0, Oh No-it's the big 4-0, 5-0 and on and on we go!!! Maybe we should change it to 3-0 Way to Go, 4-0 Cheerio or Hawaii 5-0!! We should look forward to them with anticipation not dismay. It's a brand new year, a brand new chapter of your story full of pages just waiting to be filled with new adventures and new memories to make. It's a chance to do all or some of things you've always wanted to do, begin a new hobby, take a class, travel to some place you've never been or just enjoy all the simple pleasures that bring you joy. So, the next time you have an "O" birthday celebration to plan or celebrate, do it with excitement, enthusiasm, originality, gusto and remember........age is just a number, with age comes wisdom, like fine wine you get better with age, you aren't getting older, you're getting better. Keep in mind that just because you are getting older doesn't mean you are getting old, you're as old as you feel or think you are. When friends say, "we're getting old" I quickly tell them, "you can be old if you want to, but I prefer to think of myself as vintage". Vintage is quite in vogue these days. Webster's defines vintage as being characterized by excellence and lasting popularity. Representative of the best. Aging is a natural process and birthdays, no matter what the number, are something to celebrate!
When planning a milestone birthday think outside the box. Be original, make it memorable and fun. Below are just a few ideas to get you started. I would love to know what clever themes you come up with so please leave a comment. Let The Celebration Begin!
Hawaii 5 - 0
Blast From The Past
Remember When
Circa 1979, Circa 1949 ....
Well Aged (wishing well or wine theme)
Over The Rainbow
Swing Time (70th or anyone who loves Big Band and Swing)
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