Destination Weddings are a fast growing trend and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina has become a very popular Destination Wedding venue. Whether you are envisioning a small intimate gathering or a grand affair, no matter what your style or budget there is one thing that is a necessity for every bride and groom. A marriage license. Obtaining a marriage license in South Carolina is a simple process and most everything can be done on line and through the mail. Below you will find information on obtaining your license, license fees and a link to the Horry County Probate Court (posted on the sidebar) where you may print out a Marriage License Application Form and instructions for submitting your application.
To the full extent permitted by the Constitution, the Probate Court has exclusive original jurisdiction over all subject matter related to the issuance of marriage licenses; record, index, and dispose of copies of marriage certificates; and issue certified copies of the license and certificates.
It is unlawful for any persons to contract matrimony, i.e. marry, within this State without first obtaining a marriage license from the Probate Court.
The Probate Court may issue a marriage license upon: (a) the filing of the marriage application, (b) the lapse of at least twenty-four hours thereafter, (c) the payment of the fee, (d) and the filing of a statement, under oath or affirmation, to the effect that the persons seeking the contract of matrimony are legally entitled to marry, together with the full names of the persons, their ages and places of residence.
Only ministers of the Gospel or accepted Jewish rabbis and officers authorized to administer oaths in this State are authorized to administer a marriage ceremony in this State.
Marriage Licenses are public record and are open to the public during regular business hours from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Marriage License (includes Criminal Domestic Fund) County Residents: $ 50.00
State Residents: $ 75.00
Out of State & All Others: $ 100.00
Ceremony $ 50.00
Certified Copy $ 5.00
Marriage Record Correction $ 6.75
Myrtle Beach Weddings in South Carolina are great on the North side